I finally got the chance to go through our pictures from this past month! Lots of good Christmas memories I wanted to share here, from picking out our tree, snow and making our gingerbread house.
We picked out our tree Thanksgiving weekend. We always try to get it as soon as possible, more time to enjoy it! I try to snap some photos of the kids in the green house before, here is last year’s tree hunt.
Chloe wanted us to make silly faces, this is the best we could do! We got our first big snow of the season a few weeks later. A foot of snow meant no school for a few days and lots of hot chocolate.
Me and Chloe made a gingerbread house last week. Unfortunately Luke was sick and napping while we put it together. At least he’s feeling better now!
Always glad when I remember to pull out my “real” camera for these moments!
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