So many changes these past two weeks, I see my kids growing up so much! School has started and we are back into our routines of school, dance and church activities! Luke has started preschool and he is loving it! Chloe is settled into kindergarten and riding the bus!
I snapped this image of Luke at lunch one day. He was into playing with his cars, they have to eat too, and it made me realize how different our days really are now. I knew when Chloe started kindergarten lunch would be the hardest part because she’s not there anymore. It really hit me how much she is growing up, and Luke too! We would always come home from preschool and I would make lunches and she would tell me about her day at preschool. It’s different now, but reminds me of the time when it was just me and Chloe eating lunch together before Luke was here. Now it’s my time with Luke. I can’t even think what it will be like when he’s off to kindergarten! Good thing I’ve got three more years!
I wrote this post last fall about the kids in anticipation of the big changes with school. I’m once again reminded of how fast life is moving, I think all parents can agree on that. I’m once again thankful for the gift of photography to freeze that moment and the gift of time with my kids.
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